Meaning of “Blow Your Mind” by Dua Lipa

Blow Your Mind is a song performed by English singer Dua Lipa. The main theme of the song is about being proud of who you are regardless of how you are and not listening to anyone who tries to change you from the person that you really are. According to Lipa herself, the song is all about a person being happy in their skin and being proud of themselves. So in other words, the song is simply a self-empowerment song.

Our Favorite Line from the Song:

Blow Your Mind lyrics

Facts about “Blow Your Mind”

  • Blow Your Mind was written by Dua Lipa alongside songwriters Lauren Christy and Jon Levine. According to Lipa, the song was written in Los Angeles.
  • The song was produced by Jon Levine.
  • The song runs for 2 minutes and 58 seconds.
  • The track is the fifth single from Lipa’s 2017 self-titled debut album.
  • The music video for the song was directed by the famous Polish-born Australian music video director Kinga Burza who is known for shooting videos for artists such as Calvin Harris, Katy Perry and James Blunt, among others.
  • According to Lipa, the song is one of her favorite songs to perform live.
  • Making its way to the number 1 position on the U.S. Dance Club Songs, the song is one Lipa’s most successful songs.

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