Submit Music

Song Meanings and Facts is one of the biggest and most influential websites in the song interpretation space. Our site is visited by over a million music lovers on a monthly basis. Getting your song(s) reviewed by our fine team of music analysts is undoubtedly a fantastic career move!

Guidelines for Submissions to Song Meanings and Facts

Artists/bands that want to have their songs reviewed/analyzed by our team should kindly adhere to our simple submission guidelines. We will unfortunately be unable to review your material if you fail to follow the instructions below:

  • Send all submissions via email to: [email protected]
  • The subject of your email should be the title of the song you are submitting for review followed by the phrase: “Song Submission“.
  • Include a link to the place where your music is available for downloading or streaming.  
  • Include a very, very short biography of yourself or band. Ideally the biography shouldn’t be longer than a paragraph.
  • Only submit original music of good quality for review. Please note that we cannot review covers.